CNPP Cert. is an independent certification body recognised by security and insurance professionals. In particular, it issues service certifications under the APSAD brand and product certifications under the A2P brand in the fields of risk prevention and control. The certifications issued by CNPP Cert. are recognitions and passports of trust attested by a third party as part of a collective approach in which all stakeholders are involved within certification committees: security professionals, users, specifiers, insurers and public authorities.

« Obtenir la certification CNPP Initial est un atout incontestable et témoigne d’un travail d’innovation indéniable ».

Victor Boullé
Operational manager CNPP Cert.

DIGITAL REALTY in figures :


certified players


date of creation



As a long-standing player in steel processing, the FORLAM Group is constantly innovating to keep pace with major industrial changes.

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